Oh, uh, not what I meant, guys...
So, my sexy, slightly hair readers, it is time I confess that I have a bit of a problem, possibly a sickness: I watch too many movies. Like, too many too many. Yeah, that many. It's a problem. For some unexplained reason or another, my brain was built to desire and store as many films and references from said films as possible. Most people strive to learn important skills or knowledge, like financial mathematics or how to con old ladies out prices rubies. Me? I can quote 40 Year-Old Virgin from beginning to end. I can even tell you the old Indian guy's real name. It's sad, I know.
All that said, I actually didn't see a ton of movies this year. Between my hernias, moving across the country, and a disturbing Faberge egg addiction, I haven't found myself staring at a giant screen while wondering if the stickiness on the floor was a homeless person's semen or a non-homeless person's semen very much. Makes me sad, honestly. I did, however, find some time to watch a shit ton of trailers. Edited with quick action shots and carefully chosen music to pull you in, movie trailers are essentially commercials for their full version counterparts. Which... well, which would explain why they are in commercials on television. Nailed it (I'm such a good writer). So, as the year winds down, and we say goodbye to 2013, I figured I'd share my favorites, in no particular order. No, I don't want to rank them. Don't tell me how to blog.